1998. This short film I made for "Producing and Directing" class in Academy of Art Univercity in SF
with DP and 1AD from the crew that was working on MC Hammer's music video for the song "He got me out".
I didn't finished editing film.
chase chen didn't finish painting.... he didn't know what will happen..... I took photo of that in 2003.
Timothy D. "Tim" Cook (born November 1, 1960) is the chief executive officer of Apple Inc., having joined the company in March 1998.
google was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998 / VERA WENT TO RUSSIAN AMERICAN CONFERENCE/ AND THEY TRIED T0 KILL VERA IN 525 STOCKTON IN 2009.
NIGHTS 1998. 0n place 0f my film they put Facebook in 2004. 33?
after that I met mataichihiro yamamoto.
This commercial won 1 place that year. and they didn't let me make
in 2009
2008 this meeting was for me.
1976 . l00king f0r w0man in shirt skirt....
1988.. my 15 gate. vera 15
I'm looking for a smart woman in a real short skirt. Jimmy Buffett.
microsoft was made after vera was b0rn.
f0und l0ng time ag0....
32 years later......they in my skirt. and pig0zzi with russian mafia tried t0
kill me and they need t0 g0 t0 jail.
wh0 they are vera d0esnt kn0w. they need t0 g0 t0 jail. 0r they need t0 be killed. 14 gate ..
vera was sitting in 14 gate. they tried t0 kill me..... they c0uldnt because vera lives in 15 gate.
they need t0 g0 t0 jail.
bering straight.... and criminal pig0zzi in my shirt...fr0m 94.
Words "Chop-chop" turned into Lucy Blackman and Joji Obara's story....
Then in 2003... Mick Jagger was knighted in by the prince of Wales and became Sir (Cheese in Russian).
The song in this film is from Paul David Hewson. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT HIM BEFORE?
Then Prince of Wales got married with Mrs. Parker Bowles.
Barak Obama bowed to Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko... and everyone .... got angry.
I think he did totally right thing.
and he need to get money for me from criminal google apple Facebook and he need to put to jail criminal russian mafia from paul allens party..... who killed m. jacson. houston w.... and my relatives and who tried to kill me in 2009 in sf......
Josh Temple went to play tennis teacher for HBO Larry's wife in Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" in 2002.
Litter of liquid from her longs... Just like I had...since my 3rd day of life in 1973
I had... pneumonia... since I was born. They used needle to suck (or pull) white liquid out.
did 0lesya g0t my s???????????
From my life experience where I've seen some number of people, I can say with 100% of being right - that use and misuse of human leads to bad end. Sickness, Death of Soul or even body. Recently I discovered that world plays A-Z game in everyday life to get ahead. And here is how that game echoed in my small life. You can see funeral of Marina Mamontova (Olhovskaya) in my short films section. As a bullet that comes from the gun SOMEWHERE and becomes blind and hits many places and ends up hitting most innocent one.
Vera Svechina
and they tried to kill me.
evil family of olhovskiy....
1999. on the way to Telluride . our plant is not Lan....
my apt. 160.PASCAL AUBIER was with us.
wrong . -1. 99. lp 0r its my dog vestas passport?
criminal Lena Pleshivzeva in the same glasses in 2009. from apt. 99.
Yes... I had two shots in March..... One, that needed to be in January 1973 my mother didn't have. they forgot to tell her.
(my parents had sex in October to make me be born in June )
rapist Jean Pigozzi in this video looks at that black singer... "Whitney Houston".... When I came to NYC first time we went with him to "Russian Samovar". 2005. He joked: you my bodyguard. I took it as an insult. But I didn't say anything because I did not understand what is he talking about.
1999 Im with Nori. tokyo. from Y'S. yoji yamamoto....
all this wojcicki tried to still from me ..... all my life also.
she need to go to jail
2006 wojcicki illegally puts my shirt on..... and stilles my macy's card..... 23 and me and I dont get money for my film in 2004.
2007. I didnt go j. pigozzi's island..... something was wierd...
fake film of brendan fitzaerald . I walked out the teatre.....
orlova had no right to get on my place still my photos and take my clothes
she tried to kill me... went on tv on my time. barack obama from my family...
wojcicki got my 23 and me and my money and son from my room BENJI.
also google apple and facebook and more... including bill gates... killed mamontova
after dinner with mick jagger they RUSSIAN PEOPLE start trying to kill me.
they need to go to jail.
fake and didnt need to exist . criminal and need to go to jail. this need to be killed. for stilling my photos, MY IP....... and for the atempt to kill me in 2009 in SF using help of zhukova and russian mafia.
I told her to stop she didnt and she need to go to jail for killing people... trying to kill me and killed and my relatives. they have no right to my life and my photos. that need to go to jail.
tried to kill me. killed breatney anne merphy... killed Alexander MCQUEEN.....
killed my neighbors, my aunt my incle ............
killed Oleg semenzov ....killed Dima Seryogin.... brin didnt go to meet with Dmitry Medvedev..... neither he replied to me. google made from my life. I live in sf. they (russian people) made me disable for 2 eyars.
sergey brin fake ..larry page is fake.
my shirt and my stock money... finish.
mick jagger piersed my solarplex with air sword.
"flying strippers" t shirt
that was time to make my film. 1hour 10minutes .....and sing.
Last train from Roppongi a.k.a ASOBI.
and this: 4 years to make.
producer dmitry lesnevski is bad criminal producer.
he also had my script and my book.
10 years to write.
instead :
they killed BRAZILIAN PRINCE. from BRAGANZA family...
they tried to kill me. killed my realtives. made cancer for him killed Steve jobs..
killed joe brooks...he was inocent...his son inocent...
what ugly criminal pincus doing in this company I dont know..... he need to go to jail: he is not my friend.
he started to harrase me writting ugly articles and trying to get me in cort... when it's all not his bussness... and he need to pay for his criminal company zinga and farm ville made without permittion from my house.
THAT WAS GRAMMY FOR ME AND MICK JAGGER. I told him in 2009.. instead they killed ...killed killed....
On November 26, 2006 ugly mafia TINA Kandelaki was involved in a car accident in Nice, France. Kandelaki was a passenger of the Ferrari Enzo which was driven by Suleyman Kerimov, entrepreneur and billionaire.
should not use my photo ugly russian mafia.....
Now I understand.... That was about the movie. "BODYGUARD" In Japan in 1993 Noriyuki Shibui used to have this tape with soundtrack in his car. He plaid songs from this film many times. It was very popular sound truck at that time. Many girls singed it in Karaoke bar as well. I liked Kevin Costner and all movie.
Jeff Wagner. Marina Olhovskaya's x-husband, who I met in CA in 1994 looked a bit like Kevin Costner.
Also mother of Luda Pogorelaya, Vera Tsarenko, ( NEED TO DIE) who asked me to bring peace of Ashberry to NYC for Luda, in 1995, because of Nastalgia... (Lyuda worked in World Trade center in 9 /11). Vera Tsarenko worked as a guard in one of factories in Obninsk.
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (born August 9, 1963) is an American R&B/Pop singer, actress, and former fashion model.
they killed her.
2011 13 NOV. SF. THAT's how criminal graffiti get born: After mistakes others made..
I met prince shatri from TAILAND who visited FFCoppola in sf. he made this film.
2001. SuriyothaiPrince Chatrichalem Yukol (AKA Tan Mui)'s film about the legendary Queen Suriyothai -- and its truncated by Francis Ford Coppola version, The Legend of Suriyothai -- does possess along with the kind of treatment of its regal subject that shows that she is a venerated figure indeed in her native
Borovsk 2008.
Then you can see photos of Marina and Jeff before she died and mine and Jean Pigozzi's photos from 2008.... it's the same. Means ONE OF US could get killed too or both. ON THE BOAT. (FROM SHINNEN MORIHATA). THEY DECIDED TO "KILL" AND STILL FROM ME AND OPEN FOR RICH J. PIGOZZI SHOP IN TOKYO. "TITANIK"? MARINA MAMONTOVA LIKED THAT MOVIE. I didnt like it.
rudakovo. 1974. my cr0wn....
0lesya with d0ll like my m0ther had... fall 2002. Obninsk. Inna on the photo before sits same way as Jeremy Thomas. That photo is taken in bowling in Obninsk.
2002. after my meeting with J. pigozzi.... they killed hercules.
criminal idiots from obninsk need to to jail.
in use marina (Marina Karela?) gave me this photo.. this is n0t my mother (born in 1942) ....n0t vera and has n0thing t0 d0 with my life her grandm0ther f0ll0ws me ar0und.... they need to leave me al0ne.
4200 Geary boulevard ...
Ashley and MC Mullen Funeral Home. (Larry Mullen said: I think you go with Jonny....2007)
42OO? criminal crazy criminal npo tehnologiya got to my life to fuck it up....
olhovsky family... vesyoliy delizhanz?
and they tried to kill me.... in 2010.
???? they not my family. ugly and will be hurt, like was in 2010. ( for no reason)
ugly. they needed to kill her:
this ugly family got in my life to poison my life....
Born JUNE 5 1973 in Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia. Blood type O-. From 7 years old for 8 years studied violin and ball room dancing, acted in Peoples drama theater. In 1990 became a student of Moscow State University of Culture in a "director and producer of cultural programs" department. In 1993, with 20 dollars in her pocket... as a result of changes in Russia, had an opportunity to go to Japan to work in a "hostess club". In 1994 Graduated MGIK and in 1996, with money made in Japan, went to get second degree in film making in Academy of Art University in San Francisco. During studies, moved between San Francisco, Tokyo and Moscow, continuing working in karaoke clubs and collecting material for future book and film. In film school made a few short films, participated in student film festivals and worked on independent features. In 1999, after graduating Academy of Art and meeting producer and Director of Telluride Film Festival Tom Luddy, became a special correspondent for Russian news paper "Novy Vzglyad" in Cannes. Same year Vera started to work in a privet club in Tokyo, owned by a Geisha.